For IoT-oriented UAV applications, it’s still a unpredictable and complicated challendge to standardize the commercial avionics, equipments interfaces, networking protocols, and etc,. For most UAVs, machine pilot by far is not enough reliable and intelligent to replace human pilots and application specialists in harsh outdoor invironments. Future connected UAVs need a even more rubust and secure network for control and data flow above all UAVs and ground mission station. Moreover, there is still a relative vacancy of dedicated network for the coming explosive growth of UAVs application.
In this talk, a IoT-oriented drone on-borad computer and operating system will be introduced, which is called 'Phenix'. In responding to those discussed challendges, architechture design consideration og Phenix will also be given, and demostrated by several real-life applications.
Jie Jin is founder and CEO of a robotics company called RobSense situated in Hangzhou China and Odense Denmark. He is leading the development of next generation Drone on-board operating system, to build a standardised platform integrated by multiple sensors and OS running flight control, edge-computing and swarming, while offering versatility for diverse industrial applications. So far, RobSense has successfully launched it’s OS solution with a flight computer and swarming sub-module, for Drone solution integrators from drone show, education, and industrial IoT based inspections. He was jury member of ETH Zurich PolyHack drone hackthon.
He is currently also a suspended Ph.D candidate, and his research topic is “Hardware Accelerated Edge Computing Framework Towards Drone Based Networks”. Previously, He has been a visiting researcher in National Laboratory of Radio Frequency and Circuit, Ministry of Education of China with supervision of Prof. Lingling Sun from Jan. 2014 to Jun. 2015, investigating edge computing and networking system on mobile robots. He also has been a research assistant for European FP7 ECOnet project and H2020 INPUT project at Dublin City University in Ireland, under Dr. Xiaojun Wang's supervision from Aug. 2012 to Dec. 2013, on NetFPGA based green network research, while winning the 1st prize of NetFPGA contest during visiting of Cambridge University. He acquired his M.Sc of Embedded Control System on Mechatronics from University of Southern Denmark sponsored by Danish National Scholarship, in Jul. 2012. His master thesis project is “Partitioning control system on Multicore Platform”, with supervision of Prof. Søren Top. Initially, He received his B.Eng of Electronic Science and Technology from Hangzhou Dianzi University in China.
Time: March 27, 2019, 11:00-12:00AM
Host: Dr. Shiyu Zhao, School of Engineering
Venue: Meeting Room 315, 3rd Floor, Building 2,Yunqi Campus