

Introduction to Control Theory and Implementation for Multirotor UAVs



The multirotor UAV research have been thriving during last decade with the booming of industrial applications in landscape survey, aerial photography, search and rescue, etc. However, implementation of multirotor UAV platform can still be a bottleneck problem for engineering students. The speaker will present the basics for multirotor UAV design, including working principles, dynamics modeling, some easy-to-implement algorithms. The open-source px4 community, a popular ecosystem for flying machines, will also be briefed. The audiences can gain an overall understanding of multirotor UAV design from bottom up.

Time: April 20, 2019, 10:00-11:00AM

Host: Dr. Shiyu Zhao, School of Engineering

Venue: Meeting Room 315, Floor 3, Building 2,Yunqi Campus


柯艺杰,新加坡国立大学电子计算机专业博士,中国科学院大学飞行器设计专业硕士,上海交通大学机械自动化专业学士。博士课题为尾座式飞机设计和自主飞行控制,师从新加坡国立大学无人机实验室陈本美教授,参与过新加坡淡马锡实验室等项目,目前从事无人机设计和医疗健康领域。曾发表论文于IEEE Transaction on Mechatronics, Science China Information Sciences等期刊,曾获2015年中航工业杯旋翼竞技赛冠军,2014年新加坡创意飞行器设计冠军,2014年欧洲IMAV比赛团体冠军,2012年全国飞航杯概念飞机设计大赛二等奖等。