图1 谌骅教授正在介绍个人的研究工作 图2 讲座提问环节的互动现场
Hua Chen received his B.E. degree in Automation and an honorary degree in Chu-Ko-Chen college from Zhejiang University in 2012, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Ohio State University in 2018. He was a post-doctoral researcher with the same University from Jan. 2019 to June. 2019. Then, he joined with the Southern University of Science and Technology as a research assistant professor, where he is currently a research associate professor. His research interests lie broadly in the interdisciplinary area between control, optimization, and learning, with applications in robotics. One recent focus is to develop reliable perceptive mobile manipulation schemes for legged robots. He is a member of IEEE and has served as the associate editor for IROS, ICCA and reviewer for various journals and conferences.
Thanks to their superiorities of traversing complex terrains, legged robots are well suited for various applications such as industrial surveillance, search and rescue, last-mile delivery, among others. Perceptive locomotion, which integrates environment understanding with locomotion control, is central to modern legged robotics systems. How to synthesize robust and efficient perceptive locomotion control schemes remains a crucial question in the literature. This talk will present my recent works on model-based approaches towards a systematic perceptive locomotion framework. Developments of highly agile and robust locomotion strategies enabling perceptive locomotion for legged robots will be discussed. Hardware experimental results based on commercial platforms as well as legged robot platforms designed and built by our lab will be presented.
Time: 10:30-11:30am, Friday, Aug 4, 2023
Venue: E10-205, Yungu Campus
主持人: 工学院 赵世钰 博士
Host: Dr. Shiyu Zhao, School of Engineering
Language: English