7月26日,西湖大学智能无人系统实验室举办了一场题为“Composite Learning Tracking and Interaction Control for Compliant Robots”的讲座,主讲人为中山大学潘永平教授。潘教授凭借其丰富的学术经历和研究经验,深入浅出地介绍了该领域的前沿技术。

图 讲座现场师生
Time: 14:00-16:00, Friday, July 26, 2024
Venue: E10-304, Yungu Campus
主持人: 工学院 赵世钰 博士
Host: Dr. Shiyu Zhao, School of Engineering
Language: Chinese

Yongping Pan is a Professor who leads the Intelligent Robotics Lab at the Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen, China. He holds a Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, and has over ten years of research experience in top universities in Singapore and Japan. His research interests lie in automatic control and machine learning for robotics. He has authored or co-authored more than 180 peer-reviewed academic papers, with over 130 papers in refereed journals. His publications have attracted over 7400 and 5700 citations in the Google Scholar and Web of Science Core Collection, respectively. Dr. Pan is currently serving as the Chair of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Guangzhou Chapter and an Associate Editor of six top-tier journals published by IEEE and IFAC. He has served as an Organizing Committee Member of five international conferences and the Lead Workshop Organizer of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. He has been recognized as a Global Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate, a Most Cited Chinese Researcher by Elsevier, and a World Top 2% Scientist (both single year and career) by Stanford University. Furthermore, he has been invited to deliver academic talks at leading universities and conferences over 60 times worldwide.
With the rapid population aging globally, the current trend of robotic research has been shifting from traditional industrial robots to human-centered robots that coexist, cooperate, or collaborate with humans, including service robots. Due to the existence of physical human-robot interaction, we usually introduce compliance to human-centered robots. This talk introduces our major results in tracking and interaction control for robots driven by compliant actuators. First, we establish a data-driven online learning methodology termed composte learning inspired by the cerebellum learning and control mechanism, and its rigorous theoretical results on consistent learning and strong robustness, which revolutionizes existing adaptive systems that are difficult to learn online and vulnerable. Then, we solve a series of key theoretical challenges in the robotic applications of composite learning, and apply it to trajectory tracking and interaction control of robots driven by compliant actuators, which improves their overall accuracy, safety, and naturalness.
西湖大学官网讲座信息链接:Composite Learning Tracking and Interaction Control for Compliant Robots